Liquidity Crisis & Insolvensy 차이점 여기서 찾을 것. (내가 내린 정의) Liquidity crisis is the crisis caused by loss of liquidity(cash). For example, when Lehman brothers which made loans for many companies collapsed, companies relying on the bank went bankruptcy, though they were solvent with the loans. Asian states experienced liquidity crisis in 90's. A.. 시리아 사태에 대한 가장 최근의 대응미국과 러시아가 UN을 통해서11월 중순 쯤에 'Peace Talk' 를 열 수 있도록 시리아에 촉구. Disarmament begins 무장해제'Inspectors start to destroy chemical weapons' US..
QEThird, the foreign-exchange channel of QE transmission – the currency weakening implied by monetary easing – is ineffective if several major central banks pursue QE at the same time. When that happens, QE becomes a zero-sum game, because not all currencies can fall, and not all trade balances can improve, simultaneously. The outcome, then, is “QE wars” as proxies for “currency wars.” persisten..
인포그래픽 : Euro sinks to four-year low as Hungary fears being the next Greece Greek debt crisis: Europe feels shockwaves as bailout falters ..